Digital, systematically updated guideline recommendations for optimised therapist adherence in schizophrenia (SISYPHOS)

The project is funded by the Innovation Fund of the Federal Joint Committee (VSF2_2019-115).

The SISYPHOS project investigates barriers and promoting factors for the use of guidelines by health care providers and patients and whether a newly developed digital version of the S3 Guideline Schizophrenia leads to more knowledge gain than the current print version. In addition, a continuous update of the guideline (“living guideline”) is planned.

Guidelines are an essential component of quality-assured psychiatry and psychotherapy. On the basis of exponentially increasing medical knowledge, guidelines are often out of date when published. Despite high acceptance of the contents of the S3 Guideline Schizophrenia by health care providers, the guideline is often not followed in clinical routine.

Therefore, digital, internet-based and cross-platform forms of guideline creation and availability are required, which is thought to achieve a higher degree of utilization through continuous updating (so-called "living guidelines").

The project was primarily conducted by Carolin Lorenz, Angelika Burschinski


Supervision: Prof. Stefan Leucht